"Spring is right around the corner, and we are very excited to once again invite you to our foremost event of the year that is celebrating Persian New Year. More than a mere party, the observation of the first days of 1395 Anno Persico — the scientific way of naming Persian calendar years — will be an occasion for fellowship and celebration of our ancient culture. In this spirit, this year’s celebration at MIT will be a special one since Persian Student Association (PSA) is joining forces with our fellows at Iranian Studies Group (ISG) to make Friday March 25th a night to remember.
We are planning to have live musical and choreographic performances, delicious Persian dishes for dinner as usual, all culminating in a dance party afterwards with live DJ. Get your tickets as early as you can here: https://goo.gl/ZKGVEQ as everyone knows MIT Nowruz tickets fly away based on Einstein's relativity theory that is at the speed of the light!"